
An implementation of Atomic Data for Svelte. This library is still at an early stage and the API is subject to change.

See open source template: atomic-sveltekit-demo.

Quick Examples

Getting a resource and displaying one of its properties

<script lang="ts">
  import { getResource, getValue } from '@tomic/svelte';
  import { Core } from '@tomic/lib';

  const resource = getResource<Core.Agent>('https://example.com/user1');


Changing the value of a property with an input field

<script lang="ts">
  import { getResource, getValue, setValue } from '@tomic/svelte';
  import { core, Core } from '@tomic/lib';

  const resource = getResource<Core.Agent>('https://example.com/user1');
  const name = getValue(resource, core.properties.name); // Writable<string>

<input bind:value="{$name}" />

Getting started

Install the library with your preferred package manager:

npm install -S @tomic/svelte @tomic/lib
yarn add @tomic/svelte @tomic/lib
pnpm add @tomic/svelte @tomic/lib

Initialise the store

// App.svelte

<script lang="ts">
  import { initStore } from '@tomic/svelte';
  import { Store } from '@tomic/lib';

  onMount(() => {
    // This is where you configure your atomic data store.
    const store = new Store();

// do sveltey things

You can now access this store from any component in your app with the store store.

// Some random component.svelte

<script lang="ts">
  import { store } from '@tomic/svelte';

  const resource = $store.getResourceLoading('https://atomicdata.dev/documents/tgzamh5hk2t');

However, this resource does not update when some of its data changes somewhere else in your app. That's where the getResource and getValue functions come in handy.

To get a value and display it in your component we first retrieve (or create) a resource from the store with getResource and then get its value with getValue.

// Some random component.svelte

<script lang="ts">
  import { getResource, getValue } from '@tomic/svelte';
  import { core } from '@tomic/lib';

  const resource = getResource('https://example.com/');
  const name = getValue(resource, core.properties.name);


Updating the values of a resource is super simple, just do what you would normally do with a writable svelte store:

const value = getValue(resource, core.properties.name);

$value = 'New Value';

The value now updates and changes will permeate through the store.


This library is build using typescript and is fully typed. To full advantage of Atomic Data's strong type system use @tomic/cli to generate types using Ontologies. These can then be used like this:

<script lang="ts">
  import { getResource, getValue } from '@tomic/svelte';
  import { core } from '@tomic/lib';
  // User 'app' ontology generated using @tomic/cli
  import { Person, app } from './ontologies';

  const resource = getResource<Person>('https://myapp.com/users/me'); // Readable<Resource<Person>>
  const name = getValue(resource, core.properties.name); // Writable<string>
  const hobbies = getValue(resource, app.properties.hobbies); // Writable<string[]>
