@tomic/cli: Generate Typescript types from an Ontology

@tomic/cli is an NPM tool that helps the developer with creating a front-end for their atomic data project by providing typesafety on resources. In atomic data you can create ontologies that describe your business model. You can use @tomic/cli to generate Typscript types for these ontologies in your front-end.

import { Post } from './ontolgies/blog'; // <--- generated

const myBlogpost = await store.getResourceAsync<Post>(

const comments = myBlogpost.props.comments; // string[] automatically inferred!

Getting started


You can install the package globally or as a dev dependency of your project.


npm install -g @tomic/cli

You should now be able to run:


Dev Dependency:

npm install -D @tomic/cli

To run:

npx ad-generate

Generating the files

To start generating your ontologies you first need to configure the cli. Start by creating the config file by running:

ad-generate init

There should now be a file called atomic.config.json in the folder where you ran this command. The contents will look like this:

  "outputFolder": "./src/ontologies",
  "moduleAlias": "@tomic/lib",
  "ontologies": []

If you want to change the location where the files are generated you can change the outputFolder field.

Next add the subjects of your atomic ontologies to the ontologies array in the config.

Now we will generate the ontology files. We do this by running the ad-generate ontologies command. If your ontologies don't have public read rights you will have to add an agent secret to the command that has access to these resources.

ad-generate ontologies --agent <AGENT_SECRET>

Agent secret can also be preconfigured in the config but be careful when using version control as you can easily leak your secret this way.

After running the command the files will have been generated in the specified output folder along with an index.ts file. The only thing left to do is to register our ontologies with @tomic/lib. This should be done as soon in your apps runtime lifecycle as possible, for example in your App.tsx when using React or root index.ts in most cases.

import { initOntologies } from './ontologies';


Using the types

If everything went well the generated files should now be in the output folder. In order to gain the benefit of the typings we will need to annotate our resource with its respective class as follows:

import { Book, creativeWorks } from './ontologies/creativeWorks.js';

const book = await store.getResourceAsync<Book>(

Now we know what properties are required and recommended on this resource so we can safely infer the types

Because we know written-by is a required property in book we can safely infer type string;

const authorSubject = book.get(creativeWorks.properties.writtenBy); // string

description has datatype Markdown and is inferred as string but it is a recommended property and might therefore be undefined

const description = book.get(core.properties.description); // string | undefined

If the property is not in any ontology we can not infer the type so it will be of type JSONValue (this type includes undefined)

const unknownProp = book.get('https://unknownprop.site/prop/42'); // JSONValue

Props shorthand

Because you've generated your ontologies, lib is aware of what properties exist and what their name and types are. It is therefore possible to use the .props field on a resource and get full intellisense and typing!

const book = await store.getResourceAsync<Book>(

const name = book.props.name; // string
const description = book.props.description; // string | undefined

The props field is a computed property and is readonly.

If you have to read very large number of properties at a time it is more efficient to use the resource.get() method instead of the props field because the props field iterates over the resources propval map.


@tomic/cli loads the config file from the root of your project. This file should be called atomic.config.json and needs to conform to the following interface.

interface AtomicConfig {
   * Path relative to this file where the generated files should be written to.
  outputFolder: string;

   * [OPTIONAL] The @tomic/lib module identifier.
   * The default should be sufficient in most but if you have given the module an alias you should change this value
  moduleAlias?: string;

   * [OPTIONAL] The secret of the agent that is used to access your atomic data server. This can also be provided as a command line argument if you don't want to store it in the config file.
   * If left empty the public agent is used.
  agentSecret?: string;

  /** The list of subjects of your ontologies */
  ontologies: string[];

Running ad-generate init will create this file for you that you can then tweak to your own preferences.