Atomic Commits compared to other (RDF) delta models
Let's compare the Atomic Commit approach with some existing protocols for communicating state changes / patches / mutations / deltas in linked data, JSON and text files. First, I'll briefly discuss the existing examples (open a PR / issue if we're missing something!). After that, we'll discuss how Atomic Data differs from the existing ones.
This might be an odd one in this list, but it is an interesting one nonetheless.
Git is an incredibly popular version control system that is used by most software developers to manage their code.
It's a decentralized concept which allows multiple computers to share a log of commits, which together represent a folder with its files and its history.
It uses hashing to represent (parts of) data (which keeps the .git
folder compact through deduplication), and uses cryptographic keys to sign commits and verify authorship.
It is designed to work in the paradigm of text files, newlines and folders.
Since most data can be represented as text files in a folder, Git is very flexible.
This is partly because people are familiar with Git, but also because it has a great ecosystem - platforms such as Github provide a clean UI, cloud storage, issue tracking, authorization, authentication and more for free, as long as you use Git to manage your versions.
However, Git doesn't work great for structured data - especially when it changes a lot. Git, on its own, does not perform any validations on integrity of data. Git also does not adhere to some standardized serialization format for storing commits, which makes sense, because it was designed as a tool to solve a problem, and not as some standard that is to be used in various other systems. Also, git is kind of a heavyweight abstraction for many applications. It is designed for collaborating on open source projects, which means dealing with decentralized data storage and merge conflicts - things that might not be required in other kinds of scenarios.
RDF mutation systems
Let's move on to specifications that mutate RDF specifically:
.n3 Patch
N3 Patch is part of the Solid spec, since december 2021.
It uses the N3 serialization format to describe changes to RDF documents.
@prefix solid: <>
<> solid:patches <https://tim.localhost:7777/read-write.ttl>;
solid:where { ?a <y> <z>. };
solid:inserts { ?a <y> <z>. };
solid:deletes { ?a <b> <c>. }.
Describes changes (RDF Patches) in a specialized turtle-like serialization format.
TX .
PA "rdf" "" .
PA "owl" "" .
PA "rdfs" "" .
A <http://example/SubClass> <> <> .
A <http://example/SubClass> <> <http://example/SUPER_CLASS> .
A <http://example/SubClass> <> "SubClass" .
TC .
Similar to Atomic Commits, these Delta's should have identifiers (URLs), which are denoted in a header.
Spec for classifying and representing state changes between two RDF resources. I wasn't able to find a serialization or an implementation for this.
An ontology for RDF change requests. Looks very interesting, but I'm not able to find any implementations.
prefix : <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix pat: <> .
@prefix guo: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dbp: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
:Patch_15 a pat:Patch ;
pat:appliesTo <> ;
pat:status pat:Open ;
pat:update [
a guo:UpdateInstruction ;
guo:target_graph <> ;
guo:target_subject dbp:Oregon ;
guo:delete [dbo:language dbp:De_jure ] ;
guo:insert [dbo:language dbp:English_language ]
] ;
prov:wasGeneratedBy [a prov:Activity ;
pat:confidence "0.5"^^xsd:decimal ;
prov:wasAssociatedWith :WhoKnows ;
prov:actedOnBehalfOf :WhoKnows#Player_25 ;
prov:performedAt "..."^^xsd:dateTime ] .
This offers quite a few features besides adding and deleting triples, such as updating lists. It's a unique serialization format, inspired by turtle. Some implementations exists, such as one in ruby which is
PATCH /timbl HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 478
Content-Type: text/ldpatch
If-Match: "abc123"
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix profile: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
Delete { <#> profile:first_name "Tim" } .
Add {
<#> profile:first_name "Timothy" ;
profile:image <> .
} .
Bind ?workLocation <#> / schema:workLocation .
Cut ?workLocation .
UpdateList <#> ex:preferredLanguages 1..2 ( "fr-CH" ) .
Bind ?event <#> / schema:performerIn [ / schema:url = <> ] .
Add { ?event rdf:type schema:Event } .
Bind ?ted <> / ^schema:url ! .
Delete { ?ted schema:startDate "2009-02-04" } .
Add {
?ted schema:location [
schema:name "Long Beach, California" ;
schema:geo [
schema:latitude "33.7817" ;
schema:longitude "-118.2054"
} .
An N-Quads serialized delta format. Methods are URLs, which means they are extensible. Does not specify how to bundle lines. Used in production of a web app that we're working on ( Designed with simplicity (no new serialization format, simple to parse) and performance in mind by my colleague Thom van Kalkeren.
Initial state:
<> <> "Old value 🙈" .
<> <> "New value 🐵" <> .
New state:
<> <> "New value 🐵" .
A JSON denoted patch notation for RDF. Seems similar to the RDF/JSON serialization format. Uses string literals as operators / methods. Conceptually perhaps most similar to linked-delta.
Has a JS implementation.
"op": "add",
"s": "",
"p": "",
"o": {
"value": "New Title",
"type": ""
SPARQL queries that change data.
PREFIX dc: <>
<http://example/book1> dc:title "A new book" ;
dc:creator "A.N.Other" .
Allows for very powerful queries, combined with updates.
E.g. rename all persons named Bill
to William
PREFIX foaf: <>
WITH <http://example/addresses>
DELETE { ?person foaf:givenName 'Bill' }
INSERT { ?person foaf:givenName 'William' }
{ ?person foaf:givenName 'Bill'
SPARQL Update is the most powerful of the formats, but also perhaps the most difficult to implement and understand.
A simple way to edit JSON objects:
The original document
"baz": "qux",
"foo": "bar"
The patch
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" },
{ "op": "add", "path": "/hello", "value": ["world"] },
{ "op": "remove", "path": "/foo" }
The result
"baz": "boo",
"hello": ["world"]
It uses the JSON-Pointer spec for denoting path
It has quite a bunch of implementations, in various languages.
Atomic Commits - how it's different and why it exists
Let's talk about the differences between the concepts above and Atomic Commits.
For starters, Atomic Commits can only work with a specific subset of RDF, namely Atomic Data. RDF allows for blank nodes, does not have subject-predicate uniqueness and offers named graphs - which all make it hard to unambiguously select a single value. Most of the alternative patch / delta models described above had to support these concepts. Atomic Data is more strict and constrained than RDF. It does not support named graphs and blank nodes. This enables a simpler approach to describing state changes, but it also means that Atomic Commits will not work with most existing RDF data.
Secondly, individual Atomic Commits are tightly coupled to specific Resources. A single Commit cannot change multiple resources - and most of the models discussed above to enable this. This is a big constraint, and it does not allow for things like compact migrations in a database. However, this resource-bound constraint opens up some interesting possibilities:
- it becomes easier to combine it with authorization (i.e. check if the person has the correct rights to edit some resource): simply check if the Author has the rights to edit the Subject.
- it makes it easier to find all Commits for a Resource, which is useful when constructing a history / audit log / previous version.
Thirdly, Atomic Commits don't introduce a new serialization format. It's just JSON. This means that it will feel familiar for most developers, and will be supported by many existing environments.
Finally, Atomic Commits use cryptography (hashing) to determine authenticity of commits. This concept is borrowed from git commits, which also uses signatures to prove authorship. As is the case with git, this also allows for verifiable P2P sharing of changes.