The API of AtomicServer uses Atomic Data.

All Atomic Data resources have a unique URL, which van be fetched using HTTP. Every single Class, Property or Endpoint also is a resource, which means you can visit these in the browser! This effectively makes most of the API browsable and self-documenting.

Every individual resource URL can be fetched using a GET request using your favorite HTML tool or library. You can also simply open every resource in your browser! If you want some specific representation (e.g. JSON), you will need to add an Accept header to your request.

# Fetch as JSON-AD (de facto standard for Atomic Data)
curl -i -H "Accept: application/ad+json" https://atomicdata.dev/properties/shortname
# Fetch as JSON-LD
curl -i -H "Accept: application/ld+json" https://atomicdata.dev/properties/shortname
# Fetch as JSON
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" https://atomicdata.dev/properties/shortname
# Fetch as Turtle / N3
curl -i -H "Accept: text/turtle" https://atomicdata.dev/properties/shortname


The various Endpoints in AtomicServer can be seen at /endpoints of your local instance. These include functionality to create changes using /commits, query data using /query, get /versions, or do full-text search queries using /search. Typically, you pass query parameters to these endpoints to specify what you want to do.

Libraries or API?

You can use the REST API if you want, but it's recommended to use one of our libraries.